[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bus Stop

Here's another song from the vault. Last night, I ran into a girl I used to work with back when I was an activist 10 years ago. She reminded me about this song and even quoted some of the lyrics. It felt great that someone was touched by something I wrote and that they carried it with them for years and found inspiration in it. I guess that's the whole point and goal for a songwriter. Awesome. Here it is.

Bus Stop

Been sitting at the bus stop
Staring at the melting black top
For about as long this one's been alive
Waiting on a plan, a thought, an idea if you please,
Not to be like all the other bees in the hive.

It's hard making honey for some money for the man
Who barely lets a man like me get by.
So I'm sitting at the bus stop
Waiting on that golden ball to drop
And disappear from sight before my eyes.

And it sure is easy,
To pick and grin,
And talk of days gone by us.
With our friends or even enemies
The victories and the tragedies,
Of dreamt collective memories
In the sky.

And it's a difficult choice for me to make,
Because the bus it travels oh so swiftly.
But maybe my inability
To decide just what's right for me
May well turn out to be my greatest gift.

It keeps me searching
Keeps me hoping
Keeps me loving
Constantly groping
For me something
I can call my own
When the sun does rise.

Been sitting at the bus stop
Fumbling with my broken pocket watch
And it seems these days keep tumbling on by.
And plastic people come and go,
They mumble words and step on toes
And never think to ask the question why.

And I'm still waiting on a vision
Of a woman from a dream
I had awake in NOLA years ago.
So I'm sitting at the bus stop
Seeking peace of mind
And a sturdy mop
To swab the decks of an indecisive soul.

And it sure is easy,
To pick and grin,
And talk of days gone by us.
With our friends or even enemies
The victories and the tragedies,
Of dreamt collective memories
In the sky.

And it's a difficult choice for me to make,
Because the bus it travels oh so swiftly.
But maybe my inability
To decide just what's right for me
May well turn out to be my greatest gift.

It keeps me searching
Keeps me hoping
Keeps me loving
Constantly groping
For me something
I can call my own
When the sun does rise.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Diamonds on the Beach

Here's a song I wrote a couple of months ago. As soon as I get my new interface for the iPad, I'll have a mobile recording studio and start uploading these. This song's about finding comfort in knowing you're great and no matter who trashes you, throws you away, disregards your feelings, etc., that you'll be just fine. There's lots of people out there looking for someone just like you. And me. You'll be back, and you'll find someone worthy.

Diamonds on the Beach

Feelings of worthlessness never were worth much to me,
Cuz I know I'm a diamond, but it might take some looking to see.
Knock the dirt off, hold me up to the light, laugh with glee,
Then start doubting your feelings and cast me back into the sea...

And I'll wash up again
And crash to the shore
Yeah, I'll wash up again,
To be found once more

It's only your fear that's keeping you trapped all alone.
Putting up walls don't always make a nice house a home.
Knock the dirt off, hold yourself to the light and you'll see,
That you're just as precious as any old diamond can be...

And you'll wash up again
And crash to the shore
Yeah, you'll wash up again
To be free once more

It's funny how we make excuses for all that we do.
We make answers right even though we know they ain't the truth.
And what makes us different still makes us the same and I knew,
That unless we both held each other up to the light, we were through...

And we'd wash up again
And crash to the shore
And we'd wash up again
To be found once more

(turn around)
Out in the ocean, there's plenty of fish to be seen...
But the sunlight can't reach us at the bottom where we lie and dream..
Tossing and turning the current of life draws us near..
And as the tide and the waves tumble in, the truth becomes clear...

We'll wash up again.
And again.

Feelings of worthlessness never were worth much to me,
Cuz I know I'm a diamond but it might take some looking to see.
Knock the dirt off, hold me up to the light, carefully,
And know that you've found something priceless for eternity..

Now let's run down the beach
And play in the sand
Yeah, let's run down the beach
Cuz we washed up again

It's good to see you again...