[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Beloved Puppy

Back in July, I decided to get a puppy dog. The majority of my friends in Austin have dogs and I guess I felt left out. They would meet at dog parks and take 'em running along the Greenbelt. Also, I hadn't had a girlfriend in a while, so I was a bit lonely. We went to the Town Lake Animal Shelter and perused over all of the sad little puppies. What a difficult choice to make. But my heart melted when I met her. We brought her to the meeting cage to give her a test run and she leaped into my arms like a little monkey. They hadn't bathed her in little while it seemed, as she smelled like garbage. So, the name "Garbage Monkey" was thrown around. I finally decided on "Dumpsta Munkee" because it's got more of an urban feel to it. Ha! I mean, we do live in a city and she does like to dig through the garbage can at the house. I finally had to buy one with a locking lid...

 As you can see, there are claw marks all over one side of it. She tried that one time, figured I beat her, and never did it again. She's a smart one. She learned sit, lay down, was potty trained, and could open cracked doors within the first week of owning her. Now, she's up to catching soccer balls and frisbees in mid-air. She's a year and half now, and I love her. I'll never own anything but Australian Shepherds for the rest of my life.

Well, here she is. My best friend. Peace.

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