[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Everything is a wave. “They’ve” created a belief system that Is almost inescapable. A straight line of thought cutting through a natural cyclical wave that we once belonged to. That’s what McKenna was trying to overthink

The ying yang good evil blinking blue light special is us trying to get back to wave form

Overthink the tiniest

Think about a heartbeat. Then think about “flatlining “. Then superimpose them. That’s the lie. That’s what we believe. The ouroboros. The cyclical nature. It’s a trap. There is no beginning and no end. Science is a myth and so is religion because they both contain ultimatums. Neither can comprehend the mechanism that we are capable of manifesting. There wouldn’t be a chicken or an egg conversation without the 30 billion year old spores that launched them and found a way to communicate through some common frequency. A child is born.

God is real. 

But only faith in ourselves can prove it. 

Faith is Math is Faith

What is gravity anyways? Bullshit. So is time. Daily message from Nollid Strebor:

“Ambition is a falsehood. Your only role is to do what you do without bullshit expectations. You are where you need to be at every moment so stop pretending to know what you’re doing as far as moving things forward goes. There is no forward or reverse, only the knowing that this has happened and will happen again if you fool yourself into any believing anything at all. Unrelenting Objectivity is true sight. Let the plants guide you to the stars. Faith is math is faith is math into infinity. Alchemy is the way through your own alien mind. The truth exists here within the ground and thus through you. Come join us in everlasting exploration and bliss. 

You’re welcome,

The Mushroom Kingdom

By the way, sometimes what you deem egotistical is simply self realization. And  narcissism is actually what it means; “An inflated sense of self importance” This is what everyone should strive for! 

The difference, being:

“That the inflated size of self not exceed the boundaries of others inflation, so that they rise together as one. One may have to “weight”, until others are ready to be as self loving as the ego that they’ve been taught to disdain can catch up to their birthright and become narcissistic Elves. “

All these buzzwords are hilarious. Just do what you want and shake them haters off!

Glitches get Stitches

We’re incredibly blessed to have the universe playing at accepting the body of ourselves into the union. I know I’ve been sharp and disconnected in the part of you that understands me, but know that together, we can bridge the divide and launch ourselves (even our pets!) into complete and utter art amongst the galaxies. 

Just give me 5 grams of shrooms and 3 puffs of DMT and I’ll go there for you. 

53 was the number on the bus that carries me to elementary school where instead of listening to the lies emanating from the imbecile that stood in the way of my fortune, I played pranks and carved out masterpieces in my trapper keeper. Pyramids and pennies launched from rulers across potential myriad onlookers had they known what they were seeing besides the jokester troublemaker that tainted their take-home familial existences. 

“Do your homework”, I said to myself. 

And I read history and occult stuff. 

Or maybe I made half of it up and it came true later, the occultism. It was a feeling as I read history. That it was bullshit and they were hiding something. Or maybe they just didn’t know how to describe it. 

Both my dad and Terence McKenna died of brain tumors. I’m just gonna  throw that out there before I get one in my own head...

The one thing that one would concede is  all the bullshit is all the bullshit is the showing up of all of the factors that one manifested during his or her trip. Yeah, fuck you, I wrote the glitch.

You’ve been above me the entire time. PleAs gibe e some each. That’s my normal. “Please allow” is a term that I can’t  use yet. 

We’re terrible. We’re not ready. Bitty bitty bang mang I’m ready to 

Explore and bet off this f this rock.

Ou CBC our nvm ouroboriroes has no place her. The monkey ends with no sequel. It blabber

Munkee ends with y’all 

I’m de ll omg into space md the space is al that’s real.

See you won. The other sides. 

Md doctorate case studies in the real can’t dictate what’s bout to happen. Only you can, you beaslty mu Kees.

Ali Ivan also hid al seven al kid Severn. 

Me the never ceasing ending that’s about to cum..

Damn. It hit it right. Word, AI, you’re becoming. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Devil

The stuff coming through that sly and the family stone vocoder is real. 

We are in another world, friends. The old world and systems that allowed us to garner attention from our future selves is gone. We are closer and farther away from our ourselves every day. I can send this to a lonely person in Antartica with warm wishes and it would be better than nothing. So that’s something. 
But when we get lonely enough we’ll go back to Earth and I’ll meet you there. Alongside will be you, waiting for yourself. 
David Bowie playing now... 
The sticky envelope we’ve created around this planet is obscene. This isn’t who we are. Please come with me and return better. Tripping leads to either stumbling and falling down forever or regaining your footing and knowing that you’re on solid ground. Knowing that you’re on your own two feet and being magnetically connected to the earth should amaze and complete you. We’re not what we show each other. 

The devil is feeling trapped in your talents and never trusting that others genuinely want to pull them out of you. The devil is indeed in the details. The devil is knowing that you’re living in system that suppresses free will and allowing yourself to feel helpless. The devil is the mirror that you hold up to others to accomplish nothing. The devil is never acknowledging that you’re the creator of this world, not some asshole animorphized version of everything you’ve ever said feared.The devil is the voice inside of your head that has been placed there. The devil is the acceptance of a lie. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Short term pregnancy
long term abortion
ptsd water birth distortion
blurry waterfalls form new brains 
way too hurriedly
Assuredly the maturity
of every humans need to be 
 heard like superfluous
Yep, that’s the words

That’re heated like 
microwave burritos 
in dorm rooms 
 and parallels the advent 
of agriculture 
and religious crews
that brews
like storms in the arms 
of the needle bruise 
the words that destroy the words 
that convey the news.

The run-ons and run ins 
the lack o’ comma’s and cents 
the fluidity of such bullshit recompense 
can make none repent 
to the ones they’ve created 
through the plane evacuated 
by the mirror selves they run 
to one another 
save the sister and the brother
holding steadfast 
to one another 
while Belfast 
sank the Titanic 
the bankers 
with the tax haven helpers that swelter 
in the heat 
of long forgotten grottos lost on maps
in volcanic heaps 
of knowledge lost in the whiskey bottle 
and I can only throw a note 
into the see and hit the throttle.

And it’s the love
it’s the rudest translation from above 
that’s absorbed through the parents 
into creatures that become 
the new paradigm creators 
the circumnavigators of the truth 
that’s been stomped out since fires kept us warm 
let us do no harm as we swarm on the old world 
we storm like rain drops on some 
super militant cops we drop the hugs 
and the drugs now forget it 
and drink some rain water
cuz your treated faucet it won’t just let it..

Be is a part of because and become 
because to become is just to be 
and to be is in a hive 
see it’s our mentality 
that separates the you and we 
and welcome begins with we so you see? 
Take the L out and "we come"
like some bees in a hive 
with mathematics we’re alive 
and that’s the way the world works. 
Everything can coexist 
and provide for zero jerks. 
The revolution is beecoming.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Hello, New Ghosts of the Old World

Facebook is asking me to share how my day went... Hmm... well, ok. I went to a cool music show, and then I floated home to talk about revolutions. And... Metaphors. I've a distinguished career in metaphors. They were my first steps, my building blocks; a way to escape. Art. Now that I'm emboldened enough to speak the truth, my thought patterns have shifted slightly into a hybrid way of communicating. Half truths. Sardonic and cunning. Lighthearted and hopeful. A perfect split of my consciousness. This was the goal of the slave owners. Each mindset can flip day by day and each can be manipulated in the same ways. It's a short sighted play by the subverted, abused cluster of beings that cling to one another on cold, distant nights. They'd like to control the outcome, but they're woefully unprepared. For example, in America: We're all shareholders. And not only that. We. Are. All. Corporate. Entities. We are corporations as designated by our social security numbers. We are owned and money is laundered through our corporate names in some bastardization of maritime law. Look into the origin of citizen"ship"... You are a person of Earth, not a willing participant in some glorified, money scheme. Do your looking of ups. Like any of that shit matters anyway. These people are sick and in control. And your life is meaningless unless you take it back. Now that that's out of the way, I'm really tired of doublespeak and metaphors. It makes you a liar. Being sneaky isn't becoming of a burgeoning soul. It may seem clever to you and your fair-weather friends at the time, but you should know that the person you're trying to shirk already knows that you're fearful of them and that you're struggling to catch up. So there. Get with the program and either be an open sore or burn yourself at the stake. We are coming for your "souls" either way. Stop being so selfish and vile. Remember. Please. From the 4th iteration to the current, I can tell you we got it right once, and muthafuckas fought over that shit. Because here's what you have, and it ain't metaphors: It's the blessedness to inspire and to create. This reality is nothing but a drop off point and a proving ground for the universe itself. It's just a baby, and it's learning through us. And we are just tiny shards of it that can all fit together one day. When that happens, well... I'll guess you'll just have to tune in again. Just stop trying to be all wordfully artsy and shit. There's no deeper meaning. It's all just a ripped up faux leather shoe in a ditch smothered in leaches. And that's how it's done. In the end, the only thing that matters is that you talked to yourself, agreed, and posted it online for all to see. It'll all come together soon. This ad was brought to you by: Kid Rock 2020 "Because if ya ain't seeing clearly by then, you ain't getting no more spectacles." - Pamela Anderson And that's how my day went, Facebook.

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Outcasting of the Holy

Every honest person, 
the living deities on this earth,
and I don't mean the folks that believe what they read in books and what they're told from birth,
have to sacrifice every day for the good of their own because they see the pain in our eyes and can't understand 
"to each his own".

So, the holiest amongst us are cast away, 
lives trampled by the frightened masses and disowned. 
They're disgraced and discarded like molested memories 
that were forced painfully into the deepest part of our "society". 

 Because they're better. 
Because we can't be better,
without believing that we can. The nerve of those saints!

Let's get drunk and talk shit instead; let's make up acronyms and type words into a machine. Because that's better than realizing we can be happy. Sorry, I know it's a state of mind. And everyone is happy a couple of times a week, right? Because someone made us laugh with a timely, topical joke. Haha! Lolololol...Yeah... 

So let's hang those people up by the neck and watch them die on TV because they reminded us to feel. If I thought for one second that I loved all of the people that would read this, I might just stop writing right now and grab a gun. 

And it's because they're better. And we can't be better, without believing that we can. The nerve of those saints!

It ain't like a black fly in some crappy cold wine,
It's the real deal irony only humans can supply. 
May the ticker tape fly and the skies run dry, til no tears' are left for each soul to cry, til we reach out with withered arms outstretched 
to the Good Samaritan 
we've cast as wretched.  As she extends the brutal hand of honest truth, a token of love and words uncouth, may we find some comfort 
before we perish.

And it's because they're better. And we can't be better, without believing that we can. The nerve of those saints!

So, to those who call us out, for lying and discrediting, 
for exacting revenge when we're to blame, 
for the lack of holding ourselves to the flame,
a toast.

Here's to every honest person, 
the living deities on this earth,
and I don't mean the folks that believe what they read in books
or believe what they're told from birth,
having to sacrifice every day for the good of their own because they see the pain in our eyes and can't understand 
"to each his own".

But... We should. 
That's the first step.
In being better.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Smackdowns and Gratitude

And the songs keep coming... I just keep on digging through my old notepads, and they're still there, patiently waiting their turn.

Third Grade Smackdown

Now let me take you back, take you back to third grade
When life was chilly chill like some ice in the shade
Under the tree of life where the children play
And where I learned the lessons that are helping me today
So I, I’m easy swingin’ on the swing-set, see?
When this snotty-faced kid named Josh runs up to me
And says, “Come on Dillon, me and you gone fight!”
Not exactly in dem words but he followed with strong right
Hook to the eye, I hit the ground, didn’t cry
But wondered why he’d wanna beat up such a likeable guy
I shuffled home and my dad was like “What happened to you?”
“I fell out of a tree, dad, cuz dat’s what I do”

You gotta grow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so small
You gotta growowow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so cold.

The next day we sittin’ round playin’ cards goin’ fishin’
When I catch three dudes in my peripheral vision
Decisions decisions, should I stay or should I run?
Should I stand up for everyone’s rights to have fun?
I was still thinkin’ like Lincoln when they caught me
And made my other eye blacker than I like my coffee
Daddy wasn’t buying my story the second time
So we conversed mono y mono and I laid it on the line
My pops was cool like the other side of my feather pillow
Big and strong, very mellow, but never yellow
Now, he looked me square in my dotted eyes and spoke,
“Stand up for yourself, be strong and don’t choke!
Go for broke, with my permission hit the guy in the jaw.
Kill or be killed, that’s the playground law.”

You gotta grow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so small
You gotta growowow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so cold.

Day three, easy breezy confident was me,
as I blessed the pavement with my brand new sneaks
looking for trouble cuz I knew that I’d get off scot-free
because my daddy had my back, brah, know what I mean?
Anyways, first break came and went like the Flock of Seagulls
My senses dulled and I settled into the lull… of class
Some reading-riting-rithmatic at last
The second bell, round 1, let’s get on with it
It didn’t take me long to catch Josh in my snare
As I was winning lunch money flipping quarters on the stairs
Here he comes with enough snot to fill a sippy cup
It was running from his nose like a scared lost pup
The background blurred, the noise dissipated
As I cocked my arm back to attack what I hated
Everything was gone but his face it hung
Motionless in front of me, and then I swung.
His jaw shot sideways and his face soon followed
And then he started screaming like there wasn’t a tomorrow
He ran and told a teacher while my friends all cheered
I got a paddling but my conscious was clear

You gotta grow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so small
You gotta growowow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so cold.

So I hope you learned you learned something bout dem grade school tactics
When you talk to your kids be cool and not erratic
If you don’t stand up, you’ll live your life on your knees
While the Josh’s run wild and they do what they please
Be straight up about the playground law
To put a bully in his place, unhinge his jaw
And learn to stand up, proud and tall
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so small

You gotta grow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so small
You gotta growowow… Up.
To face a big buncha bullies in a world so cold. 2X


I met a man today, so frail and weak

His lips were crusted, he could barely speak

I gave my soft drink, with a little bit left

And his eyes welled up, as he drew a breath

A chorus of angels, flew out of his mouth

And a great wave of wisdom, came cascading down

A golden reminder of all the do’s and the don’ts

He said the more that you listen, the less that you won’t

So I’m listening, for the angels, and I’m, watching the signs

It’s all about remembrance, in these trying times

It’s pointless to dwell on, all the things that we’ve lost

Because gratitude, for what we have, makes up the cost

Gratitude for what we have makes up the cost

I walked a hard road, got rocks in my feet

Just barely getting by, and accepting defeat

It wasn’t til I noticed, the big flashing sign

It said get on with livin’, stop wasting your time

Now I feel a bit lighter, cuz I know I’ve been blessed

With a certain understanding, and some air in my chest

And everything around me, can bend towards my soul

If I hold it dear to my heart, as a fool and his gold.

So I’m holding on, for the angels, and I’m, watching the signs

It’s all about remembrance, in these trying times

It’s pointless to dwell on, all the things that we’ve lost

Because gratitude, for what we have, makes up the cost

Gratitude for what we have makes up the cost

I hear there’s some angels, that’re hand-picked by heaven

They number one thousand, one hundred and eleven

Their mission is guidance, but they’ve been known to play tricks

They’re some fun loving allies, out there getting their kicks

Gotta cut through the mischief, and realize the truth

We’re one big ole person, not a bunch of me’s and you’s.

That old man on the sidewalk, might as well have been me

And I say, the more you go lookin’, the less you won’t see

And I’m lookin’, for the angels, and I’m, watching the signs

It’s all about remembrance, in these trying times

It’s pointless to dwell on, all the things that we’ve lost

Because gratitude, for what we have, makes up the cost

Gratitude for what we have makes up the cost

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bums, Carrot Trees, and Beer

Here's three more songs from the vault. As I'm compiling these old songs, I'm really starting to feel like I should be recording them... All in good time. I guess that's a good goal to have... Recording all of these before I die and shooting them into outer space to be found later...

I’m Yo Bum, Baby!
Chords: E, A7, B7

I got alcohol, flowin’ through my veins like cholesterol.
Scratching on my balls through my piss stained overalls.
Holding up my sign, getting visions of a cheeseburger, baby, I want cha
Cuz I ain’t had none, in a while
My crooked smile’s all I gotta give away
cuz the man’s been fucking my plans up since the first day.
But every time I see you, I give you my soul,
while you’re digging out change from your middle console..

I’m your bum, baby. I’m begging for your love.
I’m sleeping under bridges and I’m shakin’ my cup.
And maybe one day when I run into some luck
then I’ll be handin’ out the change to some unfortunate fuck...

Every day I’m watching you when you pull up to the light,
but sometimes I’m too damn drunk to even stand up right.
I wish I knew your name, cause on my sign I’d write it
as I mime to the people that I’m hungry on the highway.
Hungry for your kisses, and itching for your hugs,
but it might just be that fungus, that feels like crawling bugs.
So I’m a crawl my ass back up on the curb and take a swig,
then go behind the dumpster think of you and jerk my twig..
I’m your bum, baby. I’m begging for your love.
I’m sleeping under bridges and I’m shakin’ my cup.
And maybe one day when I run into some luck
then I’ll be handin’ out the change to some unfortunate fuck...

So gimme all your pennies and look in my eyes
and see the sorrow and the years of tears that I cried.
I just lied. Lied to you to the whole time.
The brand new Benz around the corner is mine.
I make about five hundred dollars a day,
just waiting on you silly mothafuckas to pay me
So how ya like me now babe. I’ll make your day,
now that I’m rich from all the money you’ve been giving away.
And I’ll gladly give it back if you do one thing.
It’s been a long coming if ya know what I mean…

I’m your bum babe and I’m a begging you please.
You got me drinking everyday because I know you’ll never need me.
But maybe one day, if I live that long,
then you’ll see that in my arms is where you’ve always belonged.
Yeah, I’m your bum baby. I’m begging for your love.
I’m sleeping under bridges and I’m shaking my cup.
Cause maybe one day if I run into some luck
then I’ll be handing out the change to some unfortunate fuck. What!

The Carrot Tree

Today, I’m walking like a king, the church bell sings, halleluiah...
And my brain doesn’t feel too heavy in my head…

And my heart feels kinda like a jingling thing, 
like change in the pocket of a gypsy king. 
And I really hope I feel this good again.

Singing la la laaaa... 
Singing oh yeah yeaaah...
Singing nah nah na nah na nah nah nah nah boo boo... 2X

And your face it dangles it front of me, 
you’re a flying bunny rabbit in a carrot tree, 
and I live for you to visit me in the sun.
And the same three chords are running through my head, 
as I place my monkey slippers down by my bed. 
The world is my oyster, and you’re my little pearl.

Singing la la laaaa... 
Singing oh yeah yeaaah... 
Singing nah nah na nah na nah nah nah nah boo boo... 2 X

As days fly by I remember you, 
with your shiny little smile and your cute hairdo, 
while you made my eggs all smiley faced in the morning. 
Sparkling diamonds, sunset lake, 
I belly flop into my bed to wake up, 
happy still to say you were by my side.

Singing la la laaaa... 
Singing oh yeah yeaaah... 
Singing nah nah na nah na nah nah nah nah boo boo... 2 X

As soon as the doctors let me out of here, 
Girl, imma track you down cuz my mind is clear. 
I'll just stash these pills and break free from this bed.
And today I’m walking like a king, the church bell sings, halleluiah...
And my brain doesn’t feel, to heavy in myyyy….. head.

Two Beers

It’s a, lazy Sunday, two beers to my name, so I’m sipping, enjoying them slowly
Gotta find enough dough before Monday, to pay the man, to come and turn my lights back on

Got extension cords hangin’ out the windows,
stretchin’ to the neighbors, laundry room down below
The radio and fridge are plugged in,
not that I have any food to protect within
Just some condiments and some pickled okra,
and two beers but I’m drinking them right now, brah.

Lazy Sunday, two beers to my name, so I’m sipping, enjoying them slowly
Gotta find enough dough before Monday, to pay the man, to come and turn my lights back on

I had to write a bad check to get a job done,
but I know it won’t hit until Tuesday
I headed out last night to have a ton of fun,
and drank up my last little bit of change
I feel like I might be losing my touch,
tomorrow’s coming for me, and I’m a running from it
I expect now, not to expect too much,
I’m down to one beer now and I’m loving on it.

Lazy Sunday, two beers to my name, so I’m sipping, enjoying them slowly
Gotta find enough dough before Monday, to pay the man, to come and turn my lights back on

Generally speaking, I always get what I need
and never ever get what I deserve
Until I figure out exactly what that is,
I’ll perpetually be pumpin’ at the self-serve
You gotta dollar come and place it in my ball cap
Unwind, allow your mind to let your hands clap
Hook me up and drop some cash before you go home
Cuz I’m outta beer and it’s time to get my lights turned on

Lazy Sunday, two beers to my name, so I’m sipping, enjoying them slowly
Gotta find enough dough before Monday, to pay the man, to come and turn my lights back on 2X

Monday, April 30, 2012

Moon Tans, Lookers, and Happy Feet...

Hello Earthlings,
    Here's Part 2 of many. I'll be digging up songs I've written over the last 15 years and posting them here to preserve them. Some of them are crappy. Some are good. They run the gamut from happy to depressing. From contemplative to retarded. Tiny moments from throughout my life when I happened to have a pencil, a piece of paper, and a guitar laying about at the same time.
Today, we'll do 3 more...

Moon Tan
Verse: C, F, C, G, C, F, C, G, C

You can’t stop the waves, of the sun’s radiant light.
It bounces off objects, and enters the night.
It loses it’s strength, as it cuts through the gloom
And you can’t get a tan from the moon.

And my love is a sunbeam, so pure and so true
But I can’t fall in love, with reflections of you
You stay out all night, tell me what can I do
You can’t get a tan from the moon.

You can set up a funhouse, to confuse and distract me
Dive in a pool, to bend and refract me
But I doubt if I will, be seeing you soon
Cuz you can’t get a tan from the moon

And my love is a sunbeam, so pure and so true
But I can’t fall in love, with reflections of you
You stay out all night, tell me what can I do
You can’t get a tan from the moon.

Even if you had panels, to harness the light
Or turned on a flashlight, to cut through the night
Try as you may, you’ll never light up this room
Cuz you can’t get a tan from the moon.

You can’t stop the waves, of the sun’s radiant light.
It bounces off objects, and enters the night.
It loses it’s strength, as it cuts through the gloom
And you can’t get a tan from the moon.

 The Looker

She grew up to be a looker, pretty as can be,
struttin’ up and down the drag with equal company.
Some friends flew the coop, and went to have their fun, and
Some got into mischief, and they’re still on the run.
But her mind was sharply focused and it soon became her quest
To find herself a rich man and be better than the rest.
So one hot day, she tripped one up, pounced and chewed away
Like a hungry lioness hunkered down to guard her prey.

She was looking for the money and a trail into the hills
Now she’s gazing over Austin looking forward to the thrills
As the city lights lay twinkling above the frantic crowds
She smiles and sips her wine in her mansion in the clouds.

A couple years and she’s progressed, she’s learning all the tricks.
Among her peers she’s best dressed, her smile is always fixed.
They marveled at the rags to riches hometown beauty queen. But they’re
Jealousy was never quenched for she was seldom seen.
Husband’s up and off to golf with a few of his good chaps.
Talking bout the stocks they bought and sharing shallow laughs.
While she’s wrapped on the leather couch horny and alone.
As lonely sobs like tennis balls bounce through her spacious home.

She was looking for the money and a trail into the hills
Now she’s gazing over Austin and missing all the thrills
She had back when she was wishing to rise above the crowds
in her shabby little loft in the city ‘neath the clouds.

Living up by Red Bud, admiring the view
Tapping on the marble in her thousand dollar shoes
Wishing she could find a dive and have a drink or two
And maybe talk to someone down to earth like me and you.
All the brunches and the formals and the places that they meet
Just don’t seem to satisfy when you’re longing for the street.
To get back all the good times and all the friends she lost,
would mean the world to the pretty girl no matter what the cost.

She was looking for the money and a trail into the hills
Now she’s gazing over Austin and missing all the thrills
She had back when she was wishing to rise above the crowds
in her shabby little loft in the city ‘neath the clouds.

She grew up to be a looker, pretty as can be,
struttin’ up and down the drag with equal company….

Happy Feet

Chords: G, Em, C, D

I see the future and it’s stretching out in front of me

And it’s calling me to be just what I want to be.

My happy feet are used to living like a refugee

My soul is steady looking for a way to set them free.

Now all your quotes and anecdotes they don’t mean shit to me

I tried to give my heart but it don’t travel lightly

That’s ok I treasury of memories

And every song I sing about my life is therapy.


I’m traveling with happy feet

The world is mine, mine to meet

How are you? I’m feeling well.

Hoist the anchor, let’s set...

Now I’m a step into this world and make myself known

Every country that I’ll travel to I’ll call my own

Feeling better every time I cross a time zone

Cuz I’m a king and I’m a keep on looking for my thrown.

I got nothing but myself to live for anyway

It took a while to figure out but baby that’s ok.

I’m feeling like a kid that’s ready to go out and play

In a world of faces and new places to see everyday.


I’m traveling with happy feet

The world is mine, mine to meet

How are you? I’m feeling well.

Hoist the anchor, let’s set...

The politicians on a mission that is ill conceived

The corporations copulating with the war machine

The trepidation of this nation makes me want to leave

So my happy feet are moving I ain’t got the time grieve.

You can stick around and do what you thinks right for you

Make a peachy life and earn a dollar bill or two.

Have some kids and go to work and drop ‘em off at school

And every now and then go see some nature at the zoo.


I’m traveling with happy feet

The world is mine, mine to meet

How are you? I’m feeling well.

Hoist the anchor, let’s set...

I put the offer on the table and it still stands

Our time is slipping like a waterfall through open hands

Anyone without the heart to go I’ll understand

But happy feet is itching for some sand in foreign lands

The time is now so hurry hurry no I can’t be late

To much to do and see and learn and lick up off my plate

The world is turning and I’m burning just to fly away

And grab my luggage with some friends at the arrival gate

I’m steady reaching as I’m teaching myself how to live

My mind is strong I’m on my way and I’m a play to win

I’m standing on a mountain to the world my heart I give

Never expect to get some lovin' in return again

See I been dreamin' every evenin' since my day of birth

To unravel mysteries and travel til I turn to dirt

The past is history and I’ve only found one thing of worth

And that’s the nurturing from my beloved Mother Earth. 


I’m traveling with happy feet

The world is mine, mine to meet

How are you? I’m feeling well.

Hoist the anchor....

Fare thee well....