[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Devil

The stuff coming through that sly and the family stone vocoder is real. 

We are in another world, friends. The old world and systems that allowed us to garner attention from our future selves is gone. We are closer and farther away from our ourselves every day. I can send this to a lonely person in Antartica with warm wishes and it would be better than nothing. So that’s something. 
But when we get lonely enough we’ll go back to Earth and I’ll meet you there. Alongside will be you, waiting for yourself. 
David Bowie playing now... 
The sticky envelope we’ve created around this planet is obscene. This isn’t who we are. Please come with me and return better. Tripping leads to either stumbling and falling down forever or regaining your footing and knowing that you’re on solid ground. Knowing that you’re on your own two feet and being magnetically connected to the earth should amaze and complete you. We’re not what we show each other. 

The devil is feeling trapped in your talents and never trusting that others genuinely want to pull them out of you. The devil is indeed in the details. The devil is knowing that you’re living in system that suppresses free will and allowing yourself to feel helpless. The devil is the mirror that you hold up to others to accomplish nothing. The devil is never acknowledging that you’re the creator of this world, not some asshole animorphized version of everything you’ve ever said feared.The devil is the voice inside of your head that has been placed there. The devil is the acceptance of a lie. 

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