[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Short term pregnancy
long term abortion
ptsd water birth distortion
blurry waterfalls form new brains 
way too hurriedly
Assuredly the maturity
of every humans need to be 
 heard like superfluous
Yep, that’s the words

That’re heated like 
microwave burritos 
in dorm rooms 
 and parallels the advent 
of agriculture 
and religious crews
that brews
like storms in the arms 
of the needle bruise 
the words that destroy the words 
that convey the news.

The run-ons and run ins 
the lack o’ comma’s and cents 
the fluidity of such bullshit recompense 
can make none repent 
to the ones they’ve created 
through the plane evacuated 
by the mirror selves they run 
to one another 
save the sister and the brother
holding steadfast 
to one another 
while Belfast 
sank the Titanic 
the bankers 
with the tax haven helpers that swelter 
in the heat 
of long forgotten grottos lost on maps
in volcanic heaps 
of knowledge lost in the whiskey bottle 
and I can only throw a note 
into the see and hit the throttle.

And it’s the love
it’s the rudest translation from above 
that’s absorbed through the parents 
into creatures that become 
the new paradigm creators 
the circumnavigators of the truth 
that’s been stomped out since fires kept us warm 
let us do no harm as we swarm on the old world 
we storm like rain drops on some 
super militant cops we drop the hugs 
and the drugs now forget it 
and drink some rain water
cuz your treated faucet it won’t just let it..

Be is a part of because and become 
because to become is just to be 
and to be is in a hive 
see it’s our mentality 
that separates the you and we 
and welcome begins with we so you see? 
Take the L out and "we come"
like some bees in a hive 
with mathematics we’re alive 
and that’s the way the world works. 
Everything can coexist 
and provide for zero jerks. 
The revolution is beecoming.

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