[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sunburning and the Subsequent Paleo Stew Scarfing

Did you enjoy reading that title? Did it intrigue you? Sexellent.

So, I haven't been keeping up with this intrepid webpage at all lately. I've experienced so much in the last little bit and I feel it needs to be recorded and shared. I'm hoping that the lack of fresh content to this site hasn't relinquished it to the dustbin for the handful of people that have been reading it. Anyways... There are LOTS of big ideas and plans in the mix now including recording my first album from home on my new iPad based recording studio and becoming rich building Eco Resorts in Nicaragua. Vacation home, anyone? Stay tuned...

Anyways, I used to be a prolific blogger when I lived in New Orleans. I wrote about everything under the sun until one day I found myself running my own business. The shift in focus seemed to sap my creative impulses but they've been seeping back into my sagging brain as of late. So, here we go again.

Yesterday was the first time this year I've been hot. I'm talking all day direct sunlight hot. My last name has Welsh roots so I'm whiter than David Duke's Fourth of July BBQ. Speaking of BBQ, my arms and neck were transformed into the aforementioned culinary delight by about 5PM yesterday afternoon.
We'd been resurfacing a pool deck out in Spicewood Springs, Texas all day and I was feeling dehydrated and angry by the time we finished. Dehydration can make you pissy. Trust me. Luckily, I've got a super chill business partner who takes my abuse with a grain of salt, which I had lost quite a few of due to profuse sweating. Always drink plenty of water. And while doing so, check out our new website by clicking on our awesome logo below...

As I've aged, I've started becoming more aware of what my body needs at various times. Whether it's protein, salt, or just a cup of water, our bodies are constantly letting us know what's needed to optimize our performance on this floating ant farm. I think these days, though, humans have confused their bodies by ingesting myriad forms of unhealthiness, which is why people are becoming obese cancer factories. This subject need not be discussed, as we all agree.

I've never been big on fast food or microwaveable quick fixes. Not that I don't eat that stuff when I'm too exhausted from work, hanging with friends, out of town, etc...
Anyways, by the time I got home, I was feeling near death. I needed to eat. A lot. And I wasn't about to leave the house for food. I shop along the perimeter of the grocery store so everything I buy has to be prepared. It's a good thing cooking is therapeutic for me. There's nothing better than flipping on the radio or newscast and chopping vegetables while simultaneously boiling water, heating oil, and preparing delicious cuts of meat. It's so relaxing, right? Ha! I've got lots of recipes. Most of them are freestyle and are derived from "living in the moment" in the kitchen, which is one of few places I can actually pull that feat off. Hence, the meditative therapeutic-ness of cooking for me. So, I'll be staggering recipes with song recordings here in the coming months. A nice mix, I think.

Yesterday, I started reading my brother-in-laws' new blog,which states the case for the Paleo Diet. He lives with my sister in Alabama and since having their first child, has gotten into CrossFit, a workout program that seems to be catching on everywhere. I agree with everything the Paleo Diet is about and decided to dive right into it. The following is an except from his blog:

"Let’s just start with the word “paleolithic.”   During the Middle Paleolithic era, Homo Sapiens emerged.  This was approximately 200,000B.C., give or take a few thousand years. During this time period, people were hunter-gatherers, eating animals they could catch, along with nuts, seeds and berries and such they could find.  No grains, no sugars, no modern day preservatives.
But what about ancient Egyptians, hasn’t farming been around a while? Haven’t we adapted? While I’m sure lots of intelligent people may disagree with me, I doubt it. Even the first signs of agriculture didn’t show up until around 9,000B.C. Which means, our bodies adapted to that hunter-gatherer lifestyle for about 191,000 years.   Grains were “recently” introduced maybe 11,000 years ago. That’s right, 95% of our existence as humans was pre-grain."

Word. That makes perfect sense, right? We've been eating food that grazers eat, and that's why we're turning into cows.

So, back to the meal I cooked in my burnt daze... I started boiling half a pot of filtered water, then took out some chicken and fish I'd been defrosting to eat independently and started chopping them up. I realized I had some sausage and thought "What the hell", so I chopped that shit up as well. I needed protein, and lots of it. Pile of chopped animal carcass on deck, I heated some olive oil. Coconut oil is better in my opinion, but I was out. Never again. Write it down. Then I started chopping up celery, red bell pepper, onions, and shallots. I stir fried all of it together sans fish. (I added that at the end.) As I was doing so, I seasoned the pot with Tony Chacheres' ,garlic and onion salt, a touch of cumin, bay leaves, and a heap of cayenne. To make the clear liquid more closely resemble stew, I added a can of Rotel and some organic pasta sauce. Then I added everything together and let it simmer while I took a much needed shower.

Delicious, and it made my body feel better. Plus, when you're overheated, spicy foods seem the opposite to what you might be craving, but they actually cool you down. Ask any Mexican.

I'm thinking more and more about what I eat these days and the Paleo Diet seems really down to Earth, literally, and easy. I encourage everyone to look it up. Thanks, Peter.

So, stay tuned. There's some music coming your way, but for now, I'll bid you adieu..



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