[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dumpsta Munkee's Frisbee Obsession

Ok, so I figured I'd follow up that last synchronicity post with something more entertaining. Although, I must say, right before the video at bottom of this post was made, Munkee tore into the kitchen garbage can while I was at work and scattered rank remnants all over the house...

I was mad for a second but I realized it was pointless and that she only did it because she was bored and she wanted my attention. So, I took her to the park to burn off some energy. After a few throws of the "frizz frizz", I noticed a brightly colored object in the woods by the park.
 Further investigation revealed a treasure trove of Munkee's favorite objects. Frisbees...

The universe works in mysterious ways... I forgave her, stopped being mad, and enjoyed the day. And we were rewarded. Anyways... She's so talented. I didn't teach her how to do this. She taught me.


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