[in-vurs] [van-dl-iz-uhm]

Inverse Vandalism - noun: Creating something for no other reason than the sheer fact that you can create it.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

TRUDGING ALONG (With words to follow)

Here's a poem I wrote in New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina. Enjoy.

Trudging along 
a crumpled page
in my life
revisiting mold
and slimy things
that have dried up

Inhaling dust
from old books
I've never read
but always planned to,
I walk alone seeking
your hand

Reflections of ghosts
above me
through coffee cups
they swirl in steam
towards my eyes

When my levees are breeched
I will stay
on the couch
smiling for you
my lovely friend.

If to love
and be loved
is to feel the
from both sides
then I've been casting shadows

Caress the numbers
with trembling digits
fumbling for the snooze
to sleep again
and remember you

Graveyards of ideas
never embraced 
and six feet of regret
that yearns to
thrust itself upward

like the daisies.

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